Chuck FULL of practical application!
In a world of "talking heads" spouting all kids of good & bad info, we can get lost in the learning.... The fact is that many Christians stall out, at the point of ingesting more & more info, never putting it into play for God's Kingdom!
The Call that Changes Everything, is A HUGE CONTRAST to other works! This book not only has great information, but then backs it up with practical REAL LIFE application. How do we do this thing we call "disciple making", as we represent Jesus's boots on the ground? Donnie Thaden does a outstanding job here of connecting the dots! He moves us from the thought process of learning what you need to know to be an effective Disciple Maker, into the realm of ACTION! I especially saw extra value in Chapters 10-13! The turn from understanding the fight we are in, to actually joining the fight is well laid out, & could be implemented by any serious disciple of Christ.
If all Christians would just apply this important work to how they live, work, & function in the Community both inside & (even more importantly) outside of the Church walls, the world would see a Revival beyond the words of men...
This is one of those books I will need to buy case of so I can give them away!

Every Christian Needs this Book!
Some of the last words of Jesus recorded in Matthew 28 were his instructions to his disciples to “Go, therefore and make disciples of all nations”. I believe that all too often, the evangelical community stops at making converts. We get them baptized and then if they actually ask to participate further, we find a place to stick them (typically in children’s ministry). Not only that, but even if they do believe there is a need for discipleship, they feel it is more for new Christians and that those who have been saved for a while have no need of it. This book is a must-read for ALL Christians because it helps to clearly explain what discipleship is and why it is an ongoing, never-ending process in the life of EVERY believer. I was blessed to receive an advanced copy and was so excited when I read what it was about; because my first thoughts were,
“Yes! The church needs help with its discipleship programs!” (or lack thereof). But as I read the book, I realized that not only did he accurately and clearly explain all the aspects of discipleship that I knew about, but he also explained so many other areas that I had never even thought about as it relates to discipleship! Not only that, but the book is broken up into small, manageable chapters that make it easy to use as a daily devotion or small group study. This is one of those books that you can read and then re-read to better absorb all of the information you may have missed the first time through. It is also one that you will want to keep to periodically re-read in years to come to help reignite your passion for discipleship. I will definitely be buying a copy for me and as a gift for several of my friends. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. If you are a Christian and you desire to be a better disciple of Jesus (which, we all should) and you also desire to help others become better disciples of Jesus (which, again, we all should), then you NEED this book! Two huge thumbs up and I just wish I had more thumbs! 😊
In a world of "talking heads" spouting all kids of good & bad info, we can get lost in the learning.... The fact is that many Christians stall out, at the point of ingesting more & more info, never putting it into play for God's Kingdom!
The Call that Changes Everything, is A HUGE CONTRAST to other works! This book not only has great information, but then backs it up with practical REAL LIFE application. How do we do this thing we call "disciple making", as we represent Jesus's boots on the ground? Donnie Thaden does a outstanding job here of connecting the dots! He moves us from the thought process of learning what you need to know to be an effective Disciple Maker, into the realm of ACTION! I especially saw extra value in Chapters 10-13! The turn from understanding the fight we are in, to actually joining the fight is well laid out, & could be implemented by any serious disciple of Christ.
If all Christians would just apply this important work to how they live, work, & function in the Community both inside & (even more importantly) outside of the Church walls, the world would see a Revival beyond the words of men...
This is one of those books I will need to buy case of so I can give them away!